Fix a cracked foam steering wheel





This project was a fix for standard "foam" padded steering wheel. As the foam covering ages or if they get held in the same place repeatedly, the foam tends to break down and crack and expose the raw steering wheel foam and innards. Being that this was a newer car (to me) and otherwise was in good shape and only the one corner of the wheel was coming apart, I wanted to see about a way to fill in the foam. I thought about regular silicone, but it would peal off too easy I thought about "hard" fillers (solid glue), but that would flake off. sugru being firm, but pliable seemed like the perfect solution and it was. I still use that corner of the steering wheel and it is holding up fine. I noticed I have another spot on the other side of the wheel that might need attention and I am sure I will use the same product.

If the wheel gets too many of these spots and starts to spread more widely, it might take what everyone else does and use a steering wheel cover, but for the meantime and hopefully quite a long time, sugru was a perfect fix and not very noticeable at all. If there was a brown color it wouldn't even be seen, but I know you cant make every color to match every variation and this was more than satisfactory and it was a perfect solution.

Harold from North Carolina