How to repair your car dashboard

Bumps and bangs inevitably happen inside your car and so in this guide, we will show you how to repair cracks and holes that may appear on your dashboard and on the inside of the car door.

Sugru is great for this task because:

- it is strong and durable

- can be colour mixed to match the inside of your car

- it bonds really well to car interiors


  • Your damaged car part 

  • 1 or 2 single-use packs of Sugru (depending on the size of the crack)

  • Soapy water

  • Toilet/Tissue paper

Roll your Sugru

Roll your Sugru into a thin sausage and apply over the cracks in your dashboard. 

Sugru applied to crack in dashboard

Iron Down

Use your finger to firmly press the Sugru down to give it a flat, ironed-out effect. You can use soapy water to give your Sugru a smooth finish.

Sugru pressed down to cover dashboard crack

Wait A While...

Once you've done this, It's time to take some time out. 12-24 hours out, in fact - because that's how long it'll take the Sugru to set. But once the wait is over, the interior of your car is fixed and ready for more great years of service!

If you’d like to see what other household devices can be fixed with Sugru, head over here and take a look!